Monday, December 31, 2018

Introduction: The Shape of My Life

Just this week, I turned 37 years old. While I am of the generation who came of age at the advent of digital communication, I've never felt the compunction to blog. I didn't feel that I had anything worthwhile to share. (Even retrospectively, I think I was right.)

Let's look back at 2008 Kathryn. Suffice it to say I was a mess. I'll periodically go into more detail in future blogs as relevant, but I had no money, was barely making ends meet, my car was broken beyond repair, and I wasn't doing much about any of it. I wasn't doing ANYTHING about any of it. I was stuck in a cycle of despair and failure. I'll be honest; I did more wallowing in my problems than searching for what I could do to fix them. 

Fast forward to 2016 Kathryn. A lot happened in those eight years: some by virtue of my new job I began in 2010, some by my marriage in 2012, some by hard work, and some by sheer dumb luck (however, as one of my college professors used to say, "In order to be lucky, you have to put yourself in a position to be lucky.")

So why the blog and backstory? Because in 2018, for the first time in my life, I have felt truly satisfied. Let me be clear: My life is not perfect. I am not perfect. I have not "arrived," and I am not superior to anyone. 

What has led to this satisfaction is learning how to identify and obtain (or, if not obtain, make great strides towards) my goals. I've learned this through reading (Michael Hyatt is my guru, and I highly recommend taking his assessment annually), trial and error, and listening. Goal-setting used to seem like such an abstract concept to me, and I've learned over the past year that it's actually as concrete as the couch where I'm currently sitting. Goal-setting is only the very first step towards creating the life you want, and that is where many people stop. Achievement is at the other end of that spectrum, but there are so many steps (and blood and sweat and tears) between setting that goal and achieving it. 

So I'm here to chronicle my journey. This blog will cover a gamut of topics ranging from professional to social to health to relationships to whatever else happens to be going on in my life at the time. I really am not sure where this will all take me, but I am compelled to share and encourage. In fact, at least weekly submissions on this blog is one of my goals for the new year. 

Tomorrow is January 1, 2019. I believe that every day is a good day to set a goal, but tomorrow is the obvious choice for a new start. Take a moment to sit down today and think of ONE thing you want to accomplish in 2019. JUST ONE THING. Write it down. 

That's step one of many, but you cannot succeed without that very first step. 

"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible." -Tony Robbins

Currently eating (NEW YEAR'S EVE MEAL!) Garlic Butter Herb Prime Rib , Cauliflower Gratin, Salmon-Stuffed Bacon-Wrapped Jalepenos, and Keto Buttermilk Pie

Book Reflections - Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions

(Disclaimer: This post took me over a week to write so some of the timeline is off. This was a hard post for me to write.) "When ar...